A gentle and peaceful goodbye to your beloved pet, in the privacy of home, comforted with you by their side
A gentle and peaceful goodbye to your beloved pet, in the privacy of home, comforted with you by their side

A gentle and peaceful goodbye to your beloved pet, in the privacy of home, comforted with you by their side

The Euthanasia Appointment - What to expect

1. The Euthanasia Consultation

Home Visit Vet will arrive at your home at the scheduled appointment time (a one to two hour arrival window). If you have a mobile phone, we will text you when on our way.

After greeting your pet, they can relax whilst we can discuss their symptoms and health and whether euthanasia is suitable on this day. If your pet has recently had an appointment (with us or your regular vet) and the decision for euthanasia has already been made, a detailed or repeated consultation may not be necessary, but some discussion and reassurance for your decision is available. If your pet has not been seen by a vet for some time, a consultation regarding their quality of life is needed prior to any final decision. This discussion may be brief or lengthy, taking your and your pet’s situation into consideration. We will answer questions and offer guidance in helping you make the decision. The euthanasia process will be explained and any further questions that arise will be answered. Naturally, if your pet is in a crisis situation when we arrive, attending to their welfare takes immediate priority.

It may be clear that euthanasia is the kindest thing to do. However, sometimes the situation is that your pet can benefit from medications or further palliation, or you feel that you are not ready to go through with euthanasia that day. If after a detailed consultation you are still uncertain, it may signal that you, or your pet, are not quite ready for euthanasia now. As long as your pet will not needlessly suffer, we can further discuss how you can continue to support their quality of life, and arrange to come back for euthanasia another time.

It is important that you are comfortable (as possibly can be under such difficult and upsetting circumstances) with your decision. You will not be under any obligation to proceed with euthanasia if not necessary, or to engage in a lengthy consultation when it is clear that euthanasia is required.

2. Consent Form

After the decision to put your pet to sleep has been made, you will be asked to sign a consent form. Your consent gives permission to euthanize your pet, and if you already know, indicates your choice for body aftercare.

Payment can be taken at this time via our mobile card machine. If you would prefer to pay in advance, let us know at the time of booking.

3. Sedation

Our belief is that your pet should be peacefully relaxed, and not be anxious, nor in pain, prior to and during euthanasia. Thus a pre-euthanasia injection to induce sedation is routinely given. The sedation dose and type, and whether pain relief is also required, will vary according to your pet’s individual needs - their health status, temperament and anxiousness.

The sedative injection is given under the skin by the neck or by the lower back. They usually don’t mind this injection, but as with any injection there may be a momentary discomfort. Sedation usually happens within 5 to 10 minutes, but may take longer or require two steps in robust or very anxious pets.

Cats are routinely deeply sedated to a level of anaesthesia; this is usually a two-stage injection.

4. Euthanasia

Once you have said your good-byes and feel you are ready, we will proceed with preparing to put your pet to sleep.

Dogs will have an intravenous catheter placed in a vein, usually in the front or back leg. A small patch of fur over the vein is clipped, the catheter is placed into the vein and a saline solution is injected to confirm placement. Relaxed dogs are quite undisturbed during this.

Cats typically do not require an intravenous catheter.

Your pet can be in their favourite resting spot – their bed, on your bed, or the sofa, by a fireplace or in the garden. Sometimes we decide not to disturb your pet from their resting place after sedation. You may hold or hug your pet on your lap or in your arms, or sit next to them gently stroking or just touching them.

When you feel that you are ready, the euthanasia injection is given. This injection is a concentrated barbiturate (a type of general anaesthetic) and induces a gentle drift into unconsciousness within seconds. If you yourself have had an anaesthetic, you will probably recall that the drifting off to anaesthesia was rapid and no pain or distress was experienced. Similarly, your pet will not feel any pain or discomfort with this injection. In a very short while the heart and breathing stop. The breathing may gently or abruptly stop, or a few deep breaths may occur before ceasing. The last breath usually happens within seconds in cats, and within half a minute in dogs. The heart will then be checked that it too has stopped, after which we confirm that your beloved pet has passed away. You may, however, already have sensed that this has occurred.

You will be offered time alone with your pet at this stage, should you wish it.

The eyes usually remain open (unless they were naturally closed prior to the final injection) and after a short while they may void some urine (we have absorption cloths in preparation for this).

5. Aftercare

We can provide after-care arrangements of either communal cremation or individual cremation with ashes returned to you. If you have a private backyard, and it is suitable to do so, you may choose to bury your pet at home.